Institute of Finance and Banking, SNU Business School


[공지] [서울대 경영대] 2021년 2학기 Finance workshop의 일정이 종료되었습니다.

관리자l2021-12-10l 조회수 1698

증권금융연구소에서 진행한 금번 학기의  Finance workshop의 모든 일정이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다. 
다음학기에 찾아뵙겠습니다 감사합니다. 
SNU Finance Seminar Schedule: Fall, 2021
12:30-13:30 , Thursday
순번 날짜 요일 이름 소속 제목
1 2021-09-16 최현수 KAIST Timing your trades matters: New Evidence from High Frequency Retail  Broker Data
2 2021-09-30 황선우 고려대 Contingent Employment and Innovation
3 2021-10-07 이해강 U. of South Carolina The Financial Benefits of Health Engagement Programs to Life Insurers
4 2021-10-14 김현섭 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  Shareholder Power and the Decline of Labor
5 2021-10-28 김다혜 성균관대학교 Ex Ante Jackpot Probability and Expected Option Returns
6 2021-11-04 Po-Hsuan Hsu National Tsing Hua University Environmental Liabilities and Corporate Pollution: Evidence from the Apex Oil Ruling
7 2021-11-11 정혜원 U. of Melbourne Capital Structure under Imperfect Product Market Competition: Theory and Evidence
8 2021-11-18 Patrick Augustin McGill University The term structure of covered interest rate parity violations
9 2021-11-25 이은경 University of Toronto Which Firms Require More Governance? Evidence from Mutual Funds' Revealed Preferences
10 2021-12-09 강준구 Nanyang Technological University Does Firms’ Equity Financing Benefit Debtholders? Evidence from Private Placements of Equity