Institute of Finance and Banking, SNU Business School


[공지] [서울대 경영대] 2022년 1학기 Finance workshop의 일정이 종료되었습니다.

관리자l2022-06-16l 조회수 2656

증권금융연구소에서 진행한 금번 학기의  Finance workshop의 모든 일정이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다. 
SNU Finance Seminar Schedule: Spring, 2022
12:30-13:30 , Thursday
순번 날짜 요일 이름 소속 제목
1 2022-03-24 Vikas Agawal Georgia State University Birth order and fund manager’s trading behavior: Role of sibling rivalry
2 2022-03-31 Mariana Khapko University of Toronto Asymmetries and the Market for Put Options
3 2022-04-07 Yenan Wang University of Amsterdam Do Electronic Markets Improve Execution If You Cannot Identify Yourself?
4 2022-04-14 김수헌 KAIST The Nature of Ownership and Stock Returns
5 2022-05-12 강영대 한국은행 Is Buffet Right? The Stock Market Valuation of the Most Visible Intangible
6 2022-05-19 Johan Walden University of California, Berkeley Fundamental Value Pricing and Bubbles for Nontraditional Assets
7 2022-05-26 Dasol Kim US Department of the Treasury Crash Narratives
8 2022-06-02 윤하용 Michigan State University Insurance Companies and the Propagation of Liquidity Shocks to the Real Economy
9 2022-06-09 강병욱 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Does Portfolio Disclosure Make Money Smarter?
10 2022-06-16 송동호 Johns Hopkins University The real channel for nominal bond-stock puzzles