Institute of Finance and Banking, SNU Business School


[공지] 2020년 2학기 Finance workshop의 일정이 종료되었습니다.

관리자l2020-12-21l 조회수 2908

증권금융연구소에서 진행한 금번 학기의  Finance workshop의 모든 일정이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다. 
다음학기에 찾아뵙겠습니다 감사합니다. 

SNU Finance Seminar Schedule: Fall, 2020
12:30-13:30 , Thursday
순번 날짜 요일 이름 소속 제목
1 2020-09-17 김세훈 U Florida Sustainability Preferences Under Stress:
Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows During COVID-19
2 2020-10-08 김재영 Tulane Where Have All the Public Companies Gone?
3 2020-10-16 한정석 Stockholm School
 of Economics
Hysteresis in price efficiency and the economics of slow moving capital
4 2020-10-22 Yoshio Nozawa HKUST Fire-Sale Risk in the Leveraged Loan Market
5 2020-11-05 김수헌 KAIST Capital Allocation and the Market for Mutual Funds:
Inspecting the Mechanism
6 2020-11-12 송동호 Johns Hopkins Fearing the Fed:
How Wall Street Reads Main Street
7 2020-11-19 강창모 한양대 Flights to Quality and Momentum Crashes
8 2020-11-26 서상병 Wisconsin Is There a Macro-Announcement Premium?
9 2020-12-03 신동화 UNC Extrapolation and Complexity
10 2020-12-10 장예진 UNSW Exporting Pollution: Where Do Multinational Firms Emit CO2?
11 2020-12-17 허예솔 FRB Cheapest-to-Deliver Pricing and Endogenous MBS Heterogeneity