Institute of Finance and Banking, SNU Business School


[2017 Brown Bag seminar]

관리자l2017-09-04l 조회수 3585

서울대 경영대 증권금융연구소 주최 브라운백 세미나 일정을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다. 

일시: 2017년 여름, 매주 월요일, 11:00 - 12:00


장소: 서울대학교 경영대학교 59동(LG관) 115호



일정 논문제목 발표자
2017-07-03 behavioral approch on market order imbalance 강민
2017-07-03 Lending Behavior of Prudent Banks around the   2007 Financial Crisis 정성준
2017-07-10 Predictable dividend announcements and stock returns  구본하
2017-07-10 Idiosyncratic cash flow news and the cross-section of stock returns 손지호
2017-07-17 Bayesian inference for Infinitely many solutions of Black-Scholes Partial differential equation 김민직
2017-07-17 Firm Productivity, Stock Return and Bolatility : Delayed Reaction 윤태준
2017-07-24 Risk Allocation within a Business Group by a Controlling Family 이유경
2017-07-24 The link between liquidity risk and default risk: empirical evidence of "flight to quality 이선영
2017-07-31 Doctor’s Treatment Choice and Health Insurance Demand when Reputation Matters 김경선
2017-07-31 Family Ownership and Firm Performance in Related Party Transactions 임지은
2017-08-07 The effect of Cash-flow news and Discount rate news on Corporate investment 조은아
2017-08-07 R&D and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift 정우성
