Institute of Finance and Banking, SNU Business School


[2016 Brown Bag seminar]

관리자l2016-08-30l 조회수 3551

서울대 경영대 증권금융연구소 주최 브라운백 세미나 일정을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다. 

일시: 2016년 여름, 매주 화요일, 11:00 - 12:00

장소: 서울대학교 경영대학교 59동(LG관) 115호


일정 논문제목 발표자
2016-07-12 The Determinants of Non-Performing Loans and U.S. Financial Crisis 정성준
2016-07-12 Fears Investor Sentiment and Its Impact on Korean Market  구본하
2016-07-19 Volatility asymmetry in Korean options market 강민
2016-07-19 Litigation risk and Insider trading 조은영
2016-07-26  The Post-Crisis Recovery of U.S. Corporate Investment 최윤영
2016-07-26 Who Moved shareholders' Cheese? :The effect of family ownership on firm performance.  임지은
2016-08-02  Blood is thicker than business  조은아
2016-08-09 A Report on Independent Directors' Biased Board Meeting Absence Tendency  양동령
2016-08-09 Can Business Groups Reduce Fire Sales? International Evidence 박보경
